EMU August CPI at 9.1%, while the Core Rate Jumps to 4.3%
EMU August CPI at 9.1%, while the Core Rate Jumps to 4.3% Today's Financial Markets Highlights • The US dollar...
The Rise of the USDJPY and Possible BoJ Intervention
The Rise of the USDJPY and Possible BoJ Intervention The USDJPY has been continually pushing higher as the market prices...
King Dollar is Back on its Throne
King Dollar is Back on its Throne Following a weekend of what, for most of us, was decent weather for...
Technical Analysis – DayTradeIdeas
Daily Technical Analysis is provided by Jason Sen of Day Trade Ideas, who has been day trading since the late...
Smart Investors Know the Importance of Inflation Protection
Smart Investors Know the Importance of Inflation Protection Written by Michele 'Mish' Schneider One of the most significant economic sectors...
Market Overview – Morning Express
Market Overview - Morning Express E-mini S&P (September) / NQ (September) S&P, yesterday’s close: Settled at 4031.25, down 28.25 NQ, yesterday’s...
The Breakdown of the Chinese Yuan Will Have Unintended Consequences!
https://youtu.be/RaiuC3t-Zl4 The Breakdown of the Chinese Yuan Will Have Unintended Consequences! Blake Morrow sits down with Bill Baruch of Blue...
Turn Around Tuesday Began Yesterday, Likely Ends before Wednesday
Turn Around Tuesday Began Yesterday, Likely Ends before Wednesday Today's Financial Markets Highlights • Corrective pressures after strong US dollar...