I am Using the Federal Reserve to Help Shape my Day Trading Bias

Day Trading Bias – Trading Interview
Blake Morrow sits down with Jake Wujastyk, one of the founders of Trendspider. Jake takes a look at some of the markets he’s following, from IWM to the SPY, to individual names like PYPL and FCEL. The shifting FOMC rhetoric is shaping how Jake approaches the market, so you don’t want to miss this video!
#daytrading #federalreserve #stocks
About Jake Wujastyk
Jake Wujastyk is a founding member and VP of Business Development at TrendSpider. His passion for the markets and trading started as a young teen and has turned into a full-time job as TrendSpider continues to grow. With a degree in and passion for Economics, Jake spends a lot of time working on new ways to implement innovative supply and demand areas within the TrendSpider charting platform.