Bearish GBP Following UK Budget! Bearish GBP Following UK Budget! Beat Nussbaumer of Macro Beat sits down with Blake Morrow to catch up on...
Beat is founder of MacroBeat, managing money for HNW individuals, running a tutoring business where he helps trader of all levels, mainly Retail but also Pro’s do seek him out for help at times. Running my own chat room that supports both Retail and professionals on a daily basis with trade idea, macro research. Beat’s trading is macro based and narrative based , using technical to Risk manage for entry and exit points.
Beat has a Bachelor degree in Business from the Swiss Business-Commercial University in Zurich that did bring him directly into the Trading side at UBS IN 1985, where he spent the next 13 years as a spot FX trader before his job did bring him to the City of London, working for Morgan Stanley, managing the Asian FX business during the turbulent times of the 1997-98 Asia crisis. After another 7 years he moved on to join the legendary Goldman Sachs Macro Prop group but that did only last 5 years when the GFC hit and Banks were no longer allowed to trade proprietary in their own name and the desk had to close. The next 8 years Beat spend running global FX Trading at Unicredit and Commerzbank before setting out on his own and founded Macro Beat.
Beat is into his tennis, be it playing himself or routing for his favourite player Roger Federer. The rest is all about family and friends.